The one with the transfer during vacation

More family now knows about our doing IVF because they’re witnessing my husband inject me in the middle of the living room. Everybody has been great, they’ve asked questions and shown interest, and nobody has said anything inadvertently insensitive. We had our frozen transfer this morning, so we had to drive back for it but […]

The one where I’m excited for PIO?

Ok, so I’m not actually excited to start that shot again, I’m dreading it completely.  But I’m excited at the same time for what it means. I had blood and US this morning.  My lining was 9.3, and my follies were all still under 10mm, so I was feeling pretty confident.  After a morning that […]

The one when I’m 6.3

I walked in to the clinic this morning. I saw the phlebotomist that does blood on Saturdays at my clinic. It’s the lady that gave me that huge bruise during the IVF cycle. Yay.  I had the ultrasound first. I was happy to hear all my follicles were under 10mm. This reassured me that I […]

The one where I think thick

​​ I have an appointment for blood and ultrasound tomorrow morning at an hour that no one wants to rise at on a Saturday. The blood is to confirm I haven’t ovulated and the US is to make sure my endometrial lining is thick enough to support an embryo. I’m praying all systems are go […]

the one with the start of FET

Sunday was CD1.  I called the clinic and they instructed me to come in for blood and US the next day.  Unfortunately, since Monday was a holiday, the clinic location 4 minutes from our house was closed and we had to go to the one that’s nearly an hour away.  Lucky us, we had to […]

The one when I ask you about your FETs

I got my meds the other day.  I have a million little Estrace pills, more needles and syringes than I care to count, and a fully stocked pile of my favorite, Progesterone in f***ing oil.  I might start calling it PIFO instead of PIO…  Can’t wait for that again.  It’s not like I’m still sore from a month […]