the one with the timeline

6/2011 First date.  Stayed out too late on a school night drinking margaritas.  Am I the only adult who still calls them school nights even though they’re now actually ‘work’ nights?

9/2012 Got married.  Everyone started taking bets on how long it would be until I was pregnant.  I’ve sort of always been a little mom-ish.  No one guessed past 9 months out.

10/2014 Bought a house and threw out those pesky nightly pills.

12/2014 Officially started trying.  Bought OPK’s and everything.

8/2015 Started using the Fertility Friend app after a friend suggested it, along with temping with a BBT.  Began questioning if we had even been “timing” it right all this time…

11/2015 Told OBGYN we had been trying for a year (yeah, tell me you didn’t fudge this a little too to get the testing process started…).  Was scheduled for a blood test to confirm I was ovulating (I was), an SA for the mister, and then an HSG for me.

12/2015 Since the “slightly increased chance of conceiving after an HSG” didn’t work for us, my OBGYN referred us to a specialist.  Who’s location was way inconvenient.  We went instead to a place about 4 minutes from home.

1/2016 Consult with RE

2/2016 Follow-up with RE where we were told there was a good chance this would never happen (naturally) for us.  RE wants to aggressively pursue IVF.

5/2016 First IVF cycle starts 5/6.  ER on 5/18.  ET on 5/23.  Resulted in BFN.

7/2016 FET cycle starts 7/4.  FET on 7/25. Resulted in BFP!