The one with the lying

Third beta was good!  I calculated what it should be and it was just over by a bit.  We have an US scheduled now for a week from Monday.  I’ll be 7w2d, so definitely late enough to see the heartbeat.


So, by the time this is scheduled to post, this will already have happened and I’ll be moving the dates of everything back to when they happened.  See, I’ve been writing what’s going on as it’s happening, but scheduling the posts a few weeks into the future.  This was because we have family members who read the blog now and we wanted time to see if betas were good and the US was good before we told anyone.  However, my sister was in town for one of our other sister’s wedding.  So we actually spilled the beans waaay earlier than we wanted to.  We don’t really feel “safe” telling, but it seemed awful to wait until she was gone back home for two weeks and then call her and say it.  So we just told them all while she was here.  As long as I have a good US, I’ll move everything back to the original dates.  So, yeah, I’ve been lying.



5 thoughts on “The one with the lying

  1. Ugh finally! I have resisted commenting for fear of being too one way or the other. You know when you’re trying to act like you don’t know anything so it makes it super obvious that you do?? Yay for duel pregnancies!!!

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